410021 Nagyvárad / Oradea, Piața Regele Ferdinand I., Nr. 6., Bihor, RO


Sea of People

Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble

2018 revival of the show

In 2018, Szigligeti Theatre's Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble collaborated with several outstanding personalities of the Hungarian folk dance movement to create the folklore performance "Sea of People", which was subsequently performed with great success at the World Expo Dubai.

Director-choreographer Sánta Gergő said about the show: "Songs that connect peoples, weaving them into a sea of people. They are similar, yet different. Ethnic dances and styles determine the movement of the sea-like currents. If we look down into the depths, we see the drops, we recognize the dances and the movements of people of extraordinary talent. The Sea of People is made up of these drops that we have inherited."



Barkóczi Réka, Fodor Virág, Forgács Zsombor m.v., Forgács-Popp Jácint, Imre Béla, Kádár Orsolya, Kerekes Dalma–Gabriella, Krupár Luca, Nagy Dominika, Nagy-Csomor Márton, Rácz Lajos–Levente, Teremy Anna m.v., Rácz Imre-Adrián m.v., Ördögh Géza


Director-choreographer: Sánta Gergő

Director-choreographer: Sánta-Bíró Anna

Choreographer: Appelshoffer János

Choreographer: Rémi Tünde

Choreographer: Fundák Kristóf

Choreographer: Fundák-Kaszai Lili

Composer: Nyitrai Tamás